Did you read the article in COMPRESSORtech2 magazine about the partnership between Burckhardt Compression and Plug Power for a hydrogen liquefaction project?

And did you notice the important part at the end of paragraph four where we are mentioned?

“A monitoring solution from Burckhardt Compression’s digital experts, PROGNOST Systems GmbH, is also included. A suite of sensors constantly delivers data regarding the performance of suction and discharge valves, bearing temperatures, and rod drop. Consequently, operators can monitor equipment condition and predict any preventative maintenance measures needed, improving uptime.”

We couldn’t have described our PROGNOST-NT better than that.

If you want your rotating equipment to work properly, simply monitor its condition with our monitoring solutions. Try it – you’ll love it!

Read the article here: https://www.compressortech2.com/news/delivering-a-green-ecosystem/8038725.article

Learn more about PROGNOST-NT https://prognost.info/product/nt/