Pulling Together – Sales Meeting Burckhardt Compression and PROGNOST Systems
Recently, we welcomed colleagues from Burckhardt Compression Deutschland and Burckhardt Compression Netherlands to our headquarters in Rheine for a sales meeting.
The aim was to strengthen connections, align actions, and facilitate the exchange of information about products, services, and sales strategies.
As part of the meeting, we toured the building and introduced our colleagues. Ludger Feldkamp and Markus Bruns took care of our guests and accompanied them throughout their visit.
The visitors also joined the PROGNOSTS Systems team for lunch in the canteen. We warmly welcome all our guests to visit us again.
Looking forward to the next meeting with Holger Korn, Bert den Teuling, Fabian Linnartz, Armin Dobisch, Wolfgang Wegmayr, Matthias Reese, Hergen Renken, Stephan Rotzler, Teus Visser, Ron Van den Anker and Thomas Eilers.
If you want to visit and talk to our sales – just drop us a note sales@prognost.com