System Maintenance

“We need assistance when maintaining the monitoring system”


Regular inspection and maintenance of a PROGNOST® system hardware is the basis for reliable operation. An system check is a valuable service offer on the service agreement which can be set to annual or every other year.

PROGNOST Customer Support checks the functionality of the PROGNOST® system and performs maintenance tasks within the cabinet including the hardware installed (e.g. control of the fans, cleaning/replacement of filters, optical inspections).

After the system and measuring loop inspection is concluded, a report on the system condition as found and corresponding adjustments or further work necessary is produced and transmitted via email.

On-site Application Service Visit

PROGNOST customer support offers on-site visits by a PROGNOST machine and system analysis experts who travels to your facility to perform on-site maintenance, system monitoring, advanced technical diagnostics, preventive and predictive service planning, performance tuning and/or training of personnel. Regular review of system health prevents potential system problems and provides suggestions to improve performance as necessary.

Remote Application Service Support

PROGNOST customer support offers on demand remote support by system analysis expert who supports a on-site maintenance personnel to perform system monitoring or advanced technical diagnostics. Providing preventive and predictive service planning, performance tuning and reviewing system functionalities, verifying potential system problems and suggesting system improvements as necessary are elements of this service offering.


System checks on-site or remotely guided are recommended or prescribed as a Proof Test Interval according to IEC 61511. You may also occasionally need defective components replaced.